Civil War Round Table or Fredericksburg, Inc. Civil War Round Table or Fredericksburg, Inc.
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Civil War Round Table or Fredericksburg, Inc.

Calendar Details for 23 Oct 2024

CWRTF Meeting: Confederate Guerillas and Union Reprisals
Start Time: 5:45 PM
End Time: 8:30 PM
Venue: UMW Jepson Alumni Executive Center
Contact: Elizabeth Daly
Guest: Clay Mountcastle

Through widespread and relentless surprise attacks and ambushes, Confederate guerrillas drove Union soldiers and their leaders to desperation. Confederate cavalrymen engaged in hit-and-run tactics; autonomous partisan rangers preyed on Federal railroads, telegraph lines, and supply wagons; and civilian bushwhackers waylaid Union pickets. Together, all of these actions persuaded the Union to wage an increasingly punitive war.  Drawing upon the guerilla attacks and Federal responses over a broad range of operational theatres, Dr. Mountcastle presents a new look at the complex nature of guerrilla warfare in the Civil War and the Union Army's calculated response to it.   As the problem grew throughout the South, Union commanders were ultimately convinced to adopt retaliatory measures that challenged the sensibilities of even the most hardened soldiers.

Price Per Person: $35.00   (at the door: $35.00) This event is open to non-members.

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Civil War Round Table or Fredericksburg, Inc.

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